Details of the Notice

Annupuri First Run (Early Morning Service) to be Held


Annupuri First Run (Early Morning Service) to be Held

Annupuri First Run
The first run early morning special opening is scheduled for 1/1-3 and 1/11-13.

Lift Annupuri Gondola
Hours: 7:20 - 8:20 a.m.
Fee 2,000 yen (all ages)
Please note that the event may be cancelled in the event of inclement weather.
*Please note that the ride may be cancelled in the event of inclement weather.

Please note that regular lift tickets cannot be purchased or used during the above hours of operation.
Only first-run tickets purchased at the ticket counter on the day of the event may be used.
Regular lift ticket sales will begin after the end of early morning operations.